
Digital Media

Historically speaking, digital media is any type of media that has encoding in a machine-readable format. This holds true today, as the digital revolution has provided a myriad of products and services, all based on coding information to machines.
Kayla Ebarb
July 14, 2020
May 13, 2024

Create A Powerful Content Production Process

What Does Content Mean for Your Business? Crafting memorable content isn’t easy, but it’s important to get it right. No matter your platform, well-written, well-timed digital content effectively does your work for you.
Zara Glidden
June 11, 2020
May 13, 2024

Website Design Checklist

In the life of a business, few moments are more daunting than the website launch. Thanks to the world of online commerce and instant feedback, your business’ reputation hangs on how people respond to its site.
Zara Glidden
April 20, 2020
May 13, 2024

Copywriting Vs. Content Marketing

I recently had a colleague ask me if copywriting is just content marketing. In a way, it can be, but to pigeon hole copywriting to just content marketing can be a bit limiting, since you’ll be needing copy for more than just marketing purposes.
Henry A. Ebarb II
January 8, 2020
May 13, 2024