The Monthly Download For November 2019
Here’s our first ever Monthly Download, featuring links to a wide variety of topics and things we found interesting this month.
Here’s our first ever Monthly Download, featuring links to a wide variety of topics and things we found interesting this month.
Bootstrap introduced Bootstrap Icons. Beautiful icons, open-source? Sign us up.
Photoshop for iPad is off to a rocky start
We ran into some issues during testing of our dark theme, which uses Styled-Components. Turns out, using the React Context API solved our issues!
Top 11 React Developer Tools for your React developer friends
PWA’s are going to be coming in spades; though Apple will likely continue to push against all PWA features in order to maintain control of the App Store.
Is application and web security an endless nightmare? This post [strong language] makes some valid points on why that might be true, and has spurred quite the discussion on HackerNews.
Google did more Googely things this month and messed with their algorithm, with many industries feeling the impact.
Around the techno-sphere
We’re building this for our trip to the forest moon of Endor; Guy builds insane(-ly awesome) Raspberry Pi box for going off-the-grid.
Tesla’s CyberTruck was revealed… and the reaction was unsurprisingly mixed. We’re curious to see how the final design of the truck (taking into consideration safety requirements) will vary from the design shown this month.
Apple finally introduced a Pro laptop with a keyboard to match it’s namesake for the first time in four years. Now featuring a revolutionary ESC key. We’re not bitter.