Content And The User

This might seem obvious to say: the content you offer needs to appeal to consumers. However, the fact that it seems so obvious might cause some groups to fail. It’s possible someone will think, “We’re offering a great product, of course our content is good.” If a company creates content and they think it looks good, did they stop there? If so, there’s a good chance it won’t pull it in the business they expected. When presenting your content to others it’s important that they can easily understand what it is you offer. Thus, when putting your product together it’s important to try to understand it from a newcomer’s point of view.

Your content needs to quickly pull the user in; you can lose them faster than you’d think. In a

Not at all Dark Patterns are the same. Some are clearly much more insidious than others, in particular methods like the roach motel. Regardless, even a passive aggressive “confirm shaming” can be enough to ensure customers either won’t sign up and can make sure others won’t want to return at all.

Crafting Content for the Perfect Audience

Once again, your content needs to have a story and coherence. If your customer is confused or put off by copy or images, you can lose them for good. Some dark patterns are much more deceptive than others, but it’s better to avoid them at all. Rather than tricking or shaming someone, provide an incentive. Offer 10% off their next purchase, if possible send an email to remind them about a product they were looking at, or build a reward system to build loyalty. Even if those types of incentives don’t apply, still look for ways to show the benefits to your customers and potential customers. Use positive, encouraging language. If you do your research, offer a solid product, and clearly show the ways you’ll benefit customers you’ll build a lot of good will and loyalty. Don’t try to win with deceptive methods; while you likely can get away with them for awhile, they can damage your brands growing reputation, and even destroy your repeat business. Remember, new customers cost you significantly more than repeat business!